Tedgy Wright

Let’s face it … this is not necessarily the ideal way to meet the potential love of your life considering my current circumstances. Surprisingly there are some very successful relationships developed between individuals in similar circumstances. There are actually some good people in bad places. Therefore, friends for starters would be an excellent place to start. I’m remaining optimistic in hopes of finding someone who’s nonjudgmental, caring,

compassionate, and uplifting like myself. Regardless whether you’re black, Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian or other ethnicities … the most important thing isn’t your race, but that your true color from within outshines everything else.

I am also interested in learning about other cultures and different languages. Therefore if you’re living outside of the United States don’t hesitate … Let’s bridge the gap and bring both of our worlds together.

ATTENTION: If you plan on sending me a message via the personal message box located on this page, please be sure to include your phone number and an appropriate time for me to call you at my expense.

For QUICKEST and EASIEST way to talk to me, so we can email or make phone calls
IMMEDIATELY … go online@ Securustech.net
* click on the “Family & Friends” tab located at the top right of the page
* click on the “Sign In” tab towards the top right of page
* click on the “Create an Account” tab
Or you can download the Securus mobile app on your mobile device; the setup is similar.

My information is:
NAME: Tedgy Wright
INMATE ID # 418491
STATE: Washington (WA)
LOCATION: Washington State Dept. of Corrections
FACILITY: Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC)

Launch the eMESSAGING option in order to exchanges messages.

If you need assistance call Securus Customer Care @ (972) 734-1111

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Black
D.O.B.: 10/2/1993
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: Assault, Robbery, Rape
Lenght of sentence: 10 years
Incarceration date: 6/18/2018
Current release date: 10/18/2028

Please write to:
Tedgy Wright #418491
S.C.C.C. H4 A-24U

Or Send Message:
Click Here