Todd Mandoline

Black females and women of color.
35 yr. Old SWM ISO friendship and possibly more. Is this too much to ask? White girls just don’t do it for me. Not sure how they’ll feel, but nothing compares to a curvaceous Black woman with beautiful lips and mesmerizing skin tones.

Forgive me for being direct, but if I never take the shot and I leave all my likes and limitations locked in the closet then I’ll never find what I’m looking for. If you’re a Black woman drawn to tatted up white guys then why haven’t you reached out yet? J

The past 12 years I’ve been surrounded by officers and staff made up of a variety of women and men who are mostly Black. To see and interact with people I’d like to pursue further while not being allowed to is in itself a form of torture. This is where you come in! Not being allowed to engage, touch, and embrace that unique and desired femininity I encounter only furthers my punishment, leaving me with intrigue and desire.

I’d like to think that I’m a considerate, open-minded, nonjudgmental, and growth-oriented type of guy with a bit of disregard to authority. To start, I’m a diehard L.A. Lakers fan, currently on the verge of graduating from Northwestern, and can’t wait to draft my fantasy football team this year. I’ve traveled the country and I envision property management and ownership in my future. I also can’t wait to go drag racing and getting back on my snowboard.

Email me by creating an account  @ as it will be much quicker. If outside the U.S. just use and American address to make it work. If you message me PLEASE check your spam/junk mail. I will respond to all! So I hope you won’t leave me hanging.
I won’t discriminate as I’m open to friendship. Whether you’re cisgender, nonbinary, or trans don’t hesitate to reach out.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: White
D.O.B.: 1/20/1989
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Tatted
Convicted of: Aggravated Assault, 1st Degree Felony Murder
Lenght of sentence: 39 years.
Incarceration date: 7/2012
Current release date: 10/2049

Please write to:
Todd Mandoline M51987
PO BOX 112
JOLIET, IL 60434

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