Cartavius Farrington

My name is Cartavius. I’m from Illinois. I’m looking to meet new down-to-earth people. I’m new to this so bear with me.

I’m not looking to buy a dream or sell one. I’m funny, cool, down-to-earth. If you are willing to talk I’m willing to listen. I’m not the one to put everything on the line just yet, so if there’s anything you wanna know please just ask.

Just hit me up if you wanna talk to a real cool person. I have dreams, passions, regrets, and a good sense of humor. But if you wanna know that side hit me up anytime. Send me a message, a letter, or a text at 206-603-0425. I’m waiting to hear from you.

Stay blessed!!

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Black
D.O.B.: 7/21/1987
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: Crack Cocaine - 21 USC 841
Lenght of sentence: 10 years
Incarceration date: 3/14/2017
Current release date: 3/29/2026

Please write to:
Cartavius Farrington #22035-026
PO BOX 5000

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