Meko Jones

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope.” This quote is taken from the Bible in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 It is the heart of my letter because it was spoken to God’s people while they were still in captivity. They, like myself, were living wrong and doing wrong. Because of my crime I left an 11 month old son behind. That was 11 years ago. A few years ago I was talking to a family member about my son and finally after a couple of minutes of talking I was stopped by them. They asked me how do you see your son? I said, “I see him like I left him an 11th month old”. They laughed at me and said you know he’s 6 years old now.

Unfortunately, people from my past see me the same way as I saw my son. What I did to come to prison is not who I am today I have grown and changed. I have hope that the person reading this will want to get to know the new me and find a great friend in me. A friend full of compassion and wisdom and laughter. A friend who will see you for who you are now, and not for your past mistakes and your past character. I am a heterosexual Christian man seeking to find a friendship with a woman to create some new memories with. I am a PHENOMENAL artist, I enjoy exercise, sci-fi, and romcom movies.

Please contact me on or the Securustech mobile app. Register and send me an email. Although Securustech was designed to enable direct email between us, it does not always work the way it should, so please include your phone number if you leave a message in my box below. I will call you. God Bless!!

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: African American
D.O.B.: 7/17/1975
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: 2nd Degree Assault, Kidnapping, Robbery
Lenght of sentence: 33 years
Incarceration date: 6/2013
Current release date: 2027

Please write to:
Meko Jones #745965

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