Alexander Patterson

The last perception I want on this platform is that my vibe is the same as every other men in here . So we’re going to drop that theory quickly.

My journey has a lot to do with my faith, and I have faith in what I put out into the universe. The laws of attraction will show me who and what I need. I’ve learned that sometimes in life it’s not just what you know, but who you know as well. So that’s where the reason I’m doing this comes into play. The world is so big, but connections are bigger and the things I plan on getting involved in when I get out will revolve around networking. You never know what a simple conversation can accomplish, or even gaining contacts in different avenues. But I’m very optimistic, and I plan on seeing what door will open if I have the ambition to knock on it.

If you’re reading this then you clearly hear me knocking. I don’t know what conversation we’re gonna have if you open the door, or what can be built, but that’s how life goes. In 16 months I will be ready to return and knock on different doors of opportunity and turn my thoughts to reality. As for now, I’m gonna see what happens. If we’re speaking the same language leave you email for texting and number for the connection.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Black
D.O.B.: 3/26/1988
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Bald
Convicted of: Possession of Firearm
Lenght of sentence: 6 years
Incarceration date: 1/14/2022
Current release date: 8/21/2026

Please write to:
Alexander Patterson #81544-509
PO BOX 9000
BERLIN, NH 03570

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