My name is Robert. I’m 21 years old and I’m serving a two life without parole sentences for murder. I was born in Fresno, California. My interests are art, writing, an unhealthy passion for the 90’s and 2000’s music and media, history, philosophy, video games, and movies. I like long walks on radioactive and trash littered beaches, and I have an unquenchable hatred that borders obsession involving the subject of fruit-fetishists that insist on putting pineapple on pizza; it’s an act of blasphemy on any taste buds and should be banned for the perversion it inflicts on the culinary arts. Sincerely, me and Gordon Ramsay.
Female or male, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, spiritual or agnostic, black, white, green or purple, I don’t care. All are welcome to respond to this profile. Finally, I have a baritone voice, I have a resting-B-face and, ignoring the horrible Canon camera photo, I look like John Connor’s twin from Terminator 2.
“Live long and prosper.” Screw pineapple pizza. “Asta la vista, baby!”